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CAPA in Action

We Are the Majority Youth Rally

May 17, 2017

On On Wednesday, May 17th, students from across Cuyahoga County participated in the 4th Annual Youth Majority Rally in downtown Cleveland.  Fifty-five BBHHS students participated in the rally, celebrating the fact that the majority of teens in BBHCSD and throughout Cuyahoga County are making healthy choices. The rally was led by our very own BBHHS Drum line.


Care on the Square

April 18th and 25th


As part of our effort to provide excellent programs, activities, and service events for young people, HUDDLE Jr. collaborated with Care On The Square (COTS) again this year to serve the local homeless in Cleveland. The youth prepared and packaged food, setup tables and distributed food and socks that were donated by the BBHMS students and staff.


Operation Medicine Cabinet

April 26, 2016 and September 26, 2015









Operation Medicine Cabinet: Prescription Drug Take Back Day has been occurring bi-annually since 2011. CAPA coalition members Officer John Chrisopulos of the Brecksville Police Department, Angela Ortenzi RPh, Walgreens Pharmacy Manager, and members of the high school HUDDLE Club partnered with the Brecksville and Broadview Heights CERT Team to make the 2016-2017 bi-annual collection processes a huge success. Over 400 total cars dropped off unused, unwanted and expired medicine for the 2016-2017 events totaling 1020.4 pounds of medicines.  This is the largest amount that our site has ever collected.

Youth Coalition Members Visit State Capitol

September 19 - 20, 2015

On September 19 – 20, 2015, Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School students Emily Lopez, Megan Lyden and Noah Cronauer participated in Ohio Dome Shift; a prevention and legislative advocacy day at our Ohio State Capitol.


They joined with youth from across Ohio to visit Ohio Representatives and Senators for a discussion on continuing prevention funding initiatives and to highlight local successes and activities.


Our group met with Senator Patton and State Representatives Marlene Anielski to discuss our local prevention initiatives. The students highlighted the youth – led education they are doing in the Brecksville-Broadview High elementary, middle and high school; and the community-based programming to bring awareness about the dangers of prescription drug use and proper disposal

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