Local Substance Use and Mental health Resource Directories
Do you think — or know — that your child is using drugs or alcohol?
Even if you believe your teen is just “experimenting” it’s important to take action right away.
Parents Toll-Free Helpline
Speak to a Substance Abuse Specialist
Monday to Friday, 10 am – 6 pm EST
First Call For Help
Cuyahoga County's First Call For Help has been providing service under many forms since 1949, including the Community Information Volunteer Action Center (CIVAC). 2-1-1/First Call For Helps is a free community service you can use to get information about social, health and government resources 24 hours a day, every day. Simply dial 2-1-1 or browse our online directory below to find the resources you need.
RehabCenter.Net –Your Portal To A New, Improved, Drug-Free Life
Addiction can strike anyone, and when it does, you feel every part of your life is spinning out of control. Your friends won’t call you, your finances are a mess, and your job feels like a nightmare. When all that matters is your next high, you’ve stopped living. Where can you turn to for help? http://www.rehabcenter.net/

A Guide for Cuyahoga County Teens

This guide helps youth find area agencies dedicated to helping and answering their questions about health, sexual health, drug abuse, violence, student rights, recreation and more. Click Here to download
Every teen’s life is filled with pressure, some of it good, some of it bad. Our goal is to help teens stand up to negative pressures, or influences. The more aware you are of the influences around you, the better prepared you will be to face them, including the pressure to use drugs and alcohol. We’re not telling you how to live your life, but we are giving you another perspective and the latest facts. You need to make your own smart decisions. Click HERE.
Students Against Destructive Decisions
While SADD students are taking on important issues in their communities, they are offered leadership development opportunities that prepare them to meet the challenges of adolescence and adulthood and achieve their full potential. Each SADD student is expected to contribute, be accountable, creative, and be a part of the solution and that builds leadership.
SADD students have the opportunity to practice and develop tangible life skills including public speaking, business writing, project management, forming and working within diverse coalitions and working groups, fundraising, event management, public health prevention, and working with media, civic, and business leaders. CLICK Here to learn more about SADD-Ohio
The Real Cost
At some point in your life, someone probably told you not to use tobacco. Maybe it was your parents, your teacher, or a friend.
We’re not here to tell you what to do.
“The Real Cost” gives you what you need to know – real facts, so you can make your own decision.
Learn More about the Real Cost